This book is a book about a man who couldn't stop walking. The urge would take over him and he would lose control over his legs. He would have to walk to wherever they wanted to take him, until they wanted him to stop.
John Gray has been to every doctor and not one could offer him an explanation. He himself couldn't understand the desire to flee. He was a successful lawyer and a loved husband and father. He had everything to stay rooted at his place for.
But nothing could quell the urge to walk. And if it lay dormant for a few years, it would come back stronger and more insistent. One day, he makes the decision to stop fighting the urge. The consequences of this decision desperately changes his, his wife, and his daughter's lives.
This is a subject matter that has never been told. For that alone it is profound and powerful.
A wonderful read because of its uniqueness. This book is for those who are continuously searching for things that they don't understand. A good book for the restless. It offers no solutions but it shows you that you aren't alone.