The Twilight Saga is undoubtedly my favorite set of books for 2010. I was very late reading it because I sensed I was going to get addicted. And I really did get sucked into it, in a very manic way.
A beautiful love story that speaks to every woman's fantasy that there exists a love that is so powerful and unchanging. Wrap all of that in the perfect package of Edward Cullen and you'll find yourself in Twilight Mania Land faster than you can say craziness! He's supposed to be the most handsome person on the planet, strong, rich, smart, obsessive, loving, sensitive, short, he's perfect. And suddenly, you'll want to be seventeen again. You'll start asking yourself questions like: Where has my youth gone? Why haven't I found my own Edward? You'll despise Kristen Stewart because she gets to have Edward Cullen in real life. You'll envy her and wish you were her yada yada. Thankfully, this insanity ends after about a month of finishing the books. Then you can resume your life and finally get a good solid grip on reality.
This book is a good, light read for those who enjoy fantasy, vampires, and love stories. For the hopelessly romantic, this book could drive you into lala land. But you'll enjoy it so it's worth the crazies!