American Psycho is about a rich, successful, and handsome twenty-something serial killer. In between agonizing about his looks, his career, his girlfriend, and his drug habit, Patrick Bateman is also obsessing about his next kill. He lives a double life that he's not really trying to hide. He takes his bloodstained clothes to the cleaners for crying out loud. He is a successful businessman socialite by day and a murderous madman by night. He's an interesting character because he's obviously a sick animal but when he almost gets caught, he becomes human. He sobs and frets for his life and prays that he lives another day. Live to kill another day that is. But you feel for the character without realizing it. You can see that he kills as a result of multiple trauma, anxieties, and mental disorders. And here is when it starts to get disturbing. You'll question your sanity a little bit with this book.
The book is enthralling, graphic, and very disturbing. I had to stop reading the book for a week after I read the first graphic murder scene. And I skipped through many of the details of the next ones. It gave and still gives me mini-nightmares.
If you're into horror and suspense this could be a book for you. If you're looking to spice up your readings by shocking yourself, this could be a choice for you too. I'm warning you though, this book is unforgettable. The images stay with you for a long time. And these images are not pretty.